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Retrieve D365 Entity/Attribute Metadata through RetrieveEntityRequest


Retrieving entity metadata using RetrieveEntityRequest in Dynamics 365 is a powerful tool that can help you design customizations, integrate with other systems, build reports, validate data, and develop plugins.
By understanding the structure of the data model and the relationships between entities, you can build solutions that work seamlessly with Dynamics 365 and provide meaningful insights into your business data.

Test Scenario:

If you're integrating Dynamics 365 account with another system, you may need to retrieve entity metadata to map fields between the two systems. This can help ensure that data is transferred accurately and efficiently between the systems.

RetrieveEntityRequest in Dynamics 365

In Dynamics 365, entities are used to model and manage business data. Each entity represents a specific type of data, such as a customer, product, or order. To work with entities in code, you can use the RetrieveEntityRequest function to retrieve information about an entity, such as its attributes, relationships, and metadata.

Retrieving Entity Information with RetrieveEntityRequest

The RetrieveEntityRequest function is used to retrieve information about an entity in Dynamics 365. To use this function, you need to create an instance of the RetrieveEntityRequest class and set its properties to specify the entity you want to retrieve information about.

Test it in a Console App

Please refer to this link about how to create a C# Console APP

Here's an example of how to use RetrieveEntityRequest to retrieve information about the account entity:

// Create the request object
            var request = new RetrieveEntityRequest
                LogicalName = "account",
                EntityFilters = EntityFilters.All,
                RetrieveAsIfPublished = true

            // Send the request to the organization service
            var response = (RetrieveEntityResponse)orgService.Execute(request);

            // Get the entity metadata from the response
            var entityMetadata = response.EntityMetadata;

            // Use the entity metadata
            Console.WriteLine($"Entity Name: {entityMetadata.DisplayName.UserLocalizedLabel.Label}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Number of Attributes: {entityMetadata.Attributes.Length}");
            Console.WriteLine($@"Number of Relationships: {entityMetadata.ManyToManyRelationships.Length 
            var ownerAttribute = entityMetadata.Attributes.Where(a => a.LogicalName.Equals("ownerid")).FirstOrDefault();


In this example, we create a RetrieveEntityRequest object and set its LogicalName property to "account", which specifies that we want to retrieve information about the account entity. We also set the EntityFilters property to EntityFilters.All, which specifies that we want to retrieve all information about the entity, including its attributes, relationships, and metadata.

We then send the request to the organization service using the Execute method of the IOrganizationService interface. The response is cast to a RetrieveEntityResponse object, which contains the entity metadata.

Finally, we use the entity metadata to display information about the entity, such as its display name, number of attributes, and number of relationships.

Test Result



The RetrieveEntityRequest function is a powerful tool for working with entities in Dynamics 365. By using this function, you can retrieve information about entities, such as their attributes, relationships, and metadata, and use that information to build custom solutions that integrate with Dynamics 365.


Please refer to this link about how to create a C# Console APP


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