Create Anonymous Survey without Variable – Forms pro Microsoft dynamics 365
Normally there are 3 types of surveys Personalized, Anonymous, and 3rd not so famous partially anonymous. we will cover all of these Click here
We would be using this anonymous survey as Contact us on our website that can be converted as the lead in CRM (Create lead from custom website to CRM without the use of custom API it connector)

Step 1 : Go to or for accessing form pro portal or Dashboard or if yo don't have the subscription you can get from here. There will be 2 options
- New Survey
- New Quiz

Step 2: Creating a simple survey with no Variable ( we will have another post for variable in Anonymous survey)
- We can use Variable to populate dynamics data from Source or as a parameter, But then it would be considered as a partial anonymous or personalized survey.
Click here to check how to pass the variable value in Survey URL as a parameter
- We will create a simple survey that will ask for name, email, phone number and organization name.

Step 3: Generate code to embed Survey on your website
- We can use QR code, simple link or website embedding to distribute our anonymous survey
- Here we will embed the survey on our website and use survey response to create a lead-in CRM
- Copy the code generated

- We can use QR code, simple link or website embedding to distribute our anonymous survey
- Here we will embed the survey on our website and use survey response to create a lead-in CRM
- Copy the code generated and past it on the web page
- 1 thing which is not mentioned in form pro is , we need to add extra div section which will be the actual placeholder for the survey to display

Test the embedded survey of forms pro on WordPress website, once Response is received it can be converted to Lead,
Click here: convert survey response from website to lead and use variable to identify the source of an anonymous survey

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