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Community site session details

Session Id : GckgMWoQ03ddLL7qrLw8fN

Financial Dimension Posting in Sales Order

M.Aamer Profile Picture M.Aamer

The financial dimensions gives more deep analysis for transactions occurred on General Ledger accounts where it gives Controllership an analytical view on transaction occurred on Expenses Account for example he/she can analyze account balance according to financial dimensions assigned to Ledger Account.

The posting mechanism of Financial Dimension in the sales process during issuance (Packing Slip), and customer invoice (SO invoice).
The sales order information is consists of;

  • Sales Order Header; where assigning customer, address, payment terms, method of payment, and financial dimension



  • Sales Order lines; where assigning item, quantity, price, and financial dimension



The auto generated financial transactions from sales order are packing slip, and invoice. The financial dimensions are automatically inherited from the Sales order form (SO – header, and SO – lines )

The financial dimensions assignment to voucher entries has a certain mechanism; it should be addressed, and communicated with Controllership to make him/her aware of this treatment, this mechanism goes as the following:-

The generated voucher entry which represents the packing slip, this voucher entry inherits the financial dimensions from the Sales Order lines

The generated voucher entry which represents the invoice, this voucher entry inherits the financial dimensions from the Sales Order header

User group: DynamicsArabia

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