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Session Id :
Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / DaxGeek / Adding Active Directory Groups

Adding Active Directory Groups

Active Directory groups can be used as an authentication type within Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012. Roles are added directly to the groups similar to Active
Directory users. If a user is associated with an Active Directory user and group,
that user receives the duties and privileges of both sets of roles.

Procedure: Manually Create Active Directory Groups

To add an active directory group, follow these steps:

1. Open
System administration > Common > Users > Users.

2. Click
User in the New group of the Action Pane.

3. In the
User Id field, type a unique identifier for the group such as "AcctOper".

4. In the
User name field, type a description for the group such as "Account Operators".

5. In the
Network domain field, enter the domain such as CONTOSO.

6. In the
E-mail address / alias field, type the alias of the Active
Directory group such as "Account Operators".

7. Confirm the
Account type field is set to "Active Directory group".

8. Select the default company that should be opened when the users connect in the
Default company field.

9. Select the
Enabled check box.

10. Click

Each of the workers that are assigned to the Active directory group can now
access the system. If a user is added to the Active directory group from inside
Active Directory, the worker will be automatically granted access to the system.
Likewise if a worker is removed from the Active Directory group from inside
Active Directory, their access to Microsoft Dynamics AX is automatically

NOTE: At this point the users are created but no permissions are given to this

Hossein Karimi


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