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Reversing Posted Inventory Putaway for Location Set Up as Bin Mandatory

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 5,659 Super User
Reversing Posted Inventory Putaway for Location Set Up as Bin Mandatory in Business Central
In Dynamics 365 Business Central, handling inventory putaways, especially for locations set up as Bin Mandatory, can sometimes lead to errors that prevent straightforward undoing of actions. A common scenario is when a user is unable to use the "Undo Receipt" function or delete the posted inventory putaway. The errors might look like this:
Error when trying to undo a receipt:
You cannot undo line 10000 because warehouse put-away lines have already been posted.
Error related to delete a posted inventory putway:
Bin Mandatory must be equal to 'No' in Location: Code=TEST. Current value is 'Yes'.
These errors indicate that the posted warehouse putaway lines prevent simple undo operations. Below is the steps on how to resolve this issue. 
Steps to Reverse Posted Inventory Putaway
Complete the Purchase Order by Posting:
Create a Credit Memo:
Start a New Purchase Order:
By following these steps, you can effectively handle the reversal of posted inventory putaway for locations set up as Bin Mandatory in Dynamics 365 Business Central. This process ensures that your inventory and financial records remain accurate while addressing the errors preventing simple undo actions.



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