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Organisation Setup: Excel add-in

Malinm85 Profile Picture Malinm85 User Group Leader

The Excel add-in is, as a consultant, one still of my favorite things with HR, it makes importing data incredible easy.

To access the templates where you can manage your data with the help of Microsoft Excel add-in you go to System administration > Links > Office Integration > Document templates. There you can see several templates with connection to different entities. You find the entity you want to import data to and click “Download”. The file will then start to download. You can also create the workbooks with the Excel workbook designer. You will also find the most important templates in the get starting section in your home page.

Document templates in the get started section

The Excel add-in uses the office integration and the excel data connector add-in with OData.

When you first open the template you have to activate editing. Then you click on the tab where data you want to edit is, in this example Employee.

The first thing you need to do is enable editing in Excel, before you do that you won’t get access to your data (and yes, it does still say Talent until you update it.

The file will update with the language you are using your Office in and then update your data that is in HR. You also get access to the Office add in on the right (you might have to log in to the add-in if you can’t get access to your data.

Excel with office add-in

You can now edit, delete or add information in the file. When you are done with the editing you click publish and the information is published directly to HR. If you do something wrong when you edit (it happens that you put in information in a wrong format or that doesn’t exist in HR) you get an error with what line is failing and why it’s failing.

When you have a field that is a lookup field to another entity, you’ll get the list of records in the add-in and can choose from that.

Excel with Office add-in

You also can set up filtering or change the layout of the file if you want to make it easier for the customer to add information.

In the add-in you can add a new record (or you can type in after the last line of data). You can refresh and update the data set. Publish to publish the changes you’ve done with the data (new, deleted or changed). Use filter and design to change the content of the data.

This was originally posted here.


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