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Lean Digital Transformation

Lean mindset companies define their work as driving value to customers. Yet many digital initiatives such as ERP implementations push work to people with business software dictating what to do and when to do it – restricting problem solving to the system instead of the people.

The main driver of a lean digital transformation should never be about an app – but the ability to more effectively collect, analyze, and act on customer and user feedback.

5 steps to fuel your lean digital transformation engine

The Planet Lean Journal defines a five-step process that fuels lean digital transformation:

    1. Define user-focused improvement metrics
    2. Gather all customer feedback
    3. Deal with problems one by one
    4. Coach each individual in solving problems the right way
    5. See your people grow and your customers smile

What software capabilities enable lean digital transformation?

Transforming the process into software capabilities, here are some that are needed to support your lean digital transformation:

    • Lean graphical KPI dashboards
    • Plan for Every Part
    • Sensor driven Kanbans and automated ASN
    • Real-time performance monitoring and predictive analytics
    • Suggestion cards and continuous improvement management
    • And more.

How to make sure your lean digital transformation is a success?

Last but not least, you need a lean technology partner – not just lean software capabilities. A lean digital transformation requires a unique, value driven implementation methodology with perspectives and guidance from Lean experts who enable your lean transformation to happen more successfully using digital information and technologies. You also need a partner who can protect you from the damaging effects of traditional push planning that resides in the design of parts of these systems.

The post Lean Digital Transformation appeared first on Merit Solutions.

This was originally posted here.


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