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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / Jesús Almaraz blog / Why localizations are base ...

Why localizations are base application customizations?

Extensions vs base customization model

When extensions arrived, we have two options to add features to BC:
  • - Make an extension. The obvious one.
  • - An abomination called “Code-Customized Base application”. In this option you have to follow the steps in the link: Publishing a Code-Customized Base Application - Business Central | Microsoft Learn . In this aberrant way to change base behavior, you clone all base app objects and modify the code, and later you recreate the package, with the help of a powerful machine to compile this monster. This involves a go back to the starting point with all the disadvantages to upgrade, and maintenance of C/SIDE times.

Localizations nowadays

The model chosen by Microsoft to maintain country localizations is……..the second one!!! They customize the base app. You can see the Spain localization of “Cust. Ledger Entry” table and see things like that:
    field(7000000; "Bill No."; Code[20])
      Caption = 'Bill No.';
Localizations are implemented this way:
  • - Modifying standard objects in base application.
  • - Including in base app package the local language translation file.
It’s a very surprising design decision, considering some good initiatives they take breaking the base app monolith, such as Intrastat declaration app, split from base. It is strange that they don´t follow this model to a much more obvious use case as localization.


This post was written a month ago and before publish it, I read this: Iceland localization app - delocalization | Microsoft Learn
Iceland localization will be an isolated extension!!



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