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Integration of Teams with Dynamics 365 for Custom Entities using Postman

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In this blog we will see how to integrate teams with Dynamics 365 for custom entities using Postman.


Step 1- Go to and select Azure Active Directory.

Step 2- On App Registration, click on new registration

Step 3-Register an application and follow the steps: Name, Select Multitenant, Enter the required url. Then, click on register.

Step 4- Add API permissions and add a permission. The request API permission window will appear where you need to select Dynamics 365.

Step 5-The permission window appears and select Dynamics 365

Step 6- As you select Dynamics CRM you will be presented the permission window. Select Delegated permission” and check the User Impersonation then click Add Permission button.

Step 7- After permissions assigned, Grant admin consent confirmation: Click on yes.

Step 8- Go to Manifest and change “allowPublicClient”: true

Step 9- Go to Overview, save client ID

Variable Name URL
Version 9.0
Webapiurl {{url}}/api/data/v{{version}}/
Client ID Client ID from overview
callbackurl http://localhost

Step 10- Go to Postman, create a new environment and enter all the details in the table

Step 11- Now connect to the environment from top right most corner.

Step 12- Then create a new request

Step 13-Include the following in body: Put status as

    1. Enable: true
    2. Logical Entity Name: Schema name of the entity.

Step 14- Go to Authorization  From the Dropdown Select OAuth 2.0.Now we will provide the variable values to generate token. Give a name of token Choose Grant Type Implicit and provide corresponding variables for Callback URL, Auth URL and Client ID. Then click Get new Access Token.

Now click on Get New Access Token

Step 15- Now click on Get New Access Token

Step 16- It will prompt you to login Dynamics 365 after you provide your authentication the token will generate.

Step 17- Now, click on use token.

Step 18- Click on send button

Step 19- Now, collaborate button will be visible in ribbon for required entity.

Hope this helps!!

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This was originally posted here.


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