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You are missing the HITB (Historical Inventory Trial Balance) Report

Here are the conditions that makes the HITB report available for the company.

  • The HITB Report becomes available for existing companies (these are companies that already have data in the Inventory tables) after the IV Reset is done. For newly created companies, this report is already available.
  • There must be an entry in the SY01401 table. The USERID in this entry must be sa and a coDefaultType of 5597.
  • The HITB Report has been installed. There must be a record in the Dynamics.set file for the HITB.

Troubleshooting the missing HITB Report.

  1. Verify you have the correct line in the SY0140 table. Run a select statement against the SY01401 table. 

    Select  *  FROM SY01401 where coDefaultType=’5597’

    You should have an entry in the SY01401 like the one below for your companies:
    USERID                 coDefaultType   USRDFSTR           DEX_ROW_ID
    sa                                 5597                   1                                1 

    If there is no entry here for the company, you will need to run the HITB reset, or insert the missing record into the table. You can run the below script to insert the line into the SY01401 table.

    Insert into sy01401 (USERID,coDefaultType,USRDFSTR) values ('sa', 5597, '1') 

    If there is an entryin the table but the USERID is not sa, update the UserID to be sa using the below update script.

    Update SY01401 set USERID='sa' where coDefaultType='5597'

    Log out and back in to see if the report appears.

  2.  There must be a record in the Dynamics.set file for the HITB Report, ensure that you have similar entries showing:

         The HITB Report (5597)
         HITB Report
         :D:Microsoft Dynamics/GP9/HTB5597.DIC
         :D:Microsoft Dynamics/GP9/HTBF5597.DIC
         :D:Microsoft Dynamics/GP9/HTBR5597.DIC

          The HITB IV Reset Tool (5687) is added when you add the IV HITB Reset chunk to the Microsoft Dynamics GP if you are an older company.

         This is not necessary for the HITB report to appear.

         HITB IV Reset Tool
         :D:Microsoft Dynamics/GP9/IVRESET.DIC
         :D:Microsoft Dynamics/GP9/RESETFRM.DIC
         :D:Microsoft Dynamics/GP9/RESETRPT.DIC

  3. Run the IV HITB Reset Tool. Do not run the IV HITB Reset if you are using the HITB already, contact the support desk. The HITB Reset will reset all values on the HITB report.

    The IV HITB Reset process needs to be done before the system will make the report available to be viewed under Reports | Inventory | Activity.

    If you need the HITB Reset Tool, you can get it using the below link. Make sure you select the file specific to your GP version.




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