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Dynamics 365 mobile offline: Enabling the seamless mobile offline synchronization

apa Profile Picture apa 8,280

Tested on:
Dynamics 365 version 8.2

Since Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update 1 we have had the possibility to use the seamless mobile offline synchronization for accessing data on phones and tablets while offline. As the mobile offline synchronization isn’t available for Trial, Preview, or sandbox Dynamics 365 organizations, it's not everyday that I go about and configure the feature. I recently ran a short demo of the respective offline capabilities and decided to share the simple configuration steps in the form of a blog post. The very first step is makings sure the entities that are used are enabled for both mobile and mobile offline.


The next step is to start the provisioning process for mobile offline from the Mobile Offline Configuration.

Mobile-offline-configuration.pngWhen the provisioning is complete the mobile offline profile is configured by setting the Mobile Offline Profile Item Details as well as the Users using the profile. Remember to publish the profile.


Mobile-offline-profile-item.pngNext up is the user experience on the phone or tablet app. I primarily use the phone app and the photos below illustrate the user experience on the Android version of Dynamics 365 for Phones. The first thing to do is to open the app while online so that all customizations are processed. After that the offline use is very seamless. While setting the Mobile Offline Profile Item Details I set the filters so that I will see my opportunities modified within the past 10 days when I'm offline. Next I turned off mobile data, opened the app again and created an opportunity. I then turned mobile data back on and clicked reconnected on the app. As you can see the steps to enabling the seamless mobile offline synchronization are pretty straightforward.

All my blog posts reflect my personal opinions and findings unless otherwise stated.


*This post is locked for comments

  • apa Profile Picture apa 8,280
    Posted at

    Hi Charles. Thanks for the feedback.

    Mobile Offline missing could mean that only the link is missing. CRM Tip of the Day has a potential solution:

    This could be a known issue as also suggests to "contact tech support" if the option is missing. Step 2 behind this link:

    Also remember that Mobile Offline isn't available for Trial, Preview, or sandbox Dynamics 365 organizations.

  • Charles Halford Profile Picture Charles Halford
    Posted at

    Hi Antti,

    Great blog. I've been looking into the offline capabilities for PSA (such as time and expense) lately to see how people would get on using the app during projects in areas with poor connectivity and I've noticed there might be a prerequisite to all of these steps. Some of my instances don't give me the option in Settings for Mobile Offline whereas some do. I've checked this in Sandbox, trials and live environments so it isn't down to that.

    Any ideas whether you need to authenticate something in the O365 admin center before these steps?
