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Why the Planning Worksheet Doesn't Consider Existing Inventory

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 7,072 Super User 2024 Season 2

 Why the Planning Worksheet in Business Central Doesn't Consider Existing Inventory

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, the planning worksheet is a powerful tool used for planning and replenishing inventory. However, sometimes users encounter a situation where the planning engine does not consider the existing inventory levels when generating suggestions. This can lead to confusion, as the system might suggest unnecessary purchases or production orders. The primary reason for this behavior often lies in specific settings on the item card.

Key Reason: The "Include Inventory" Setting

One of the critical settings that control whether the planning engine considers current inventory levels is the “Include Inventory” toggle on the item card. This setting determines if the existing inventory should be included when calculating replenishment needs.

What is the "Include Inventory" Setting?

  • Include Inventory: This setting is found under the Lot-for-Lot Parameters on the Item Card. When this option is turned off, the planning engine ignores the current on-hand inventory when calculating the demand. This means the system will not factor in existing stock levels, leading it to suggest orders as if there is no inventory available.

If you find that the planning worksheet in Business Central is not considering your existing inventory, the "Include Inventory" setting on the Item Card is likely the culprit. By ensuring this setting is configured correctly, you can make sure that your planning process accurately reflects your current stock levels, helping you make better purchasing and production decisions.


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