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Madix puts Innovation on Display with Dynamics 365

You've probably never heard of Madix, but you've definitely seen their work. For over 50 years, the brand has been solving retailers' merchandising and design challenges as a leader in the store fixtures industry, designing, manufacturing, and distributing shelving, lighting, and retail displays. Madix has always prided itself on its excellent customer service - whether that means working with a big-box store or a specialty retailer.

However, a mix of outdated, legacy systems was hampering Madix's ability to serve its customers effectively and efficiently. The Marketing, Sales, and Customer Service departments were facing issues in data duplication, bottle necked work, and communication issues as they had no one central source of truth. Madix chose to implement Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement with Sunrise Technologies as its new CRM, including the Sales, Customer Service, Marketing, and Customer Voice modules.

Although the scope of the project was initially limited to three departments, Madix saw such a difference that today eight departments are using Dynamics 365 to automate workflows and track customer cases.

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