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Transaction type must be specified

This article will delve into resolving an error “Transaction type must be specified.”

Steps to Resolve:

Create a Fixed Price project.

  1. Go to Project management and accounting > Projects > All projects > New > Fixed Price project

Provide all required details > Click Create Project

Once the project has been created,
  • Break down the work into manageable portions.
  • Estimate the time that is required to perform each task.
  • Set task dependencies.
  • Set task durations.
  • Estimate the resources that complete the tasks.
  1. Go to Plan (action pane) > Work breakdown structure.

  1. Click Import as per below screen.

  1. Enable ‘Show only templates’ > Map Name > Click ok

  1. Click yes.

  1. Once WBS has been created > Modify date as shown below

  1. Click back button error appears.

  1. Change the screen to Cost estimates as shown.

  1. Map Transaction type as shown below.

That’s all for this blog post. Keep Exploring!!
