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Community site session details

Session Id :
Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / DaxGeek / Configure a Subworkflow

Configure a Subworkflow

A subworkflow is a workflow that runs with the context of a parent workflow. To configure a subworkflow, right-click the subworkflow node on the canvas and then click Properties. The Properties form is displayed.
Use the following steps to select the workflow that will run when this subworkflow element is executed.

1. In the left pane of the
Properties form, click Basic Settings.

2. From the Subworkflow list, select an existing workflow.

3. From the
Field list, select the field that represents the association to the document.

4. Indicate if the subworkflow must finish processing before the next element in the parent workflow is executed.

a. If the subworkflow must finish processing, click
Wait for the subworkflow to complete before continuing.

b. If the subworkflow is not required to finish processing before the next element in the workflow is executed, click
Do not wait for the subworkflow to complete. 

Hossein Karimi


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