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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / Friyank’s blog / Setting > Data Managemen...

Setting > Data Management > Data maps/Data Import/Template for Data Import/Sample Data

Data Maps

  • Data maps are the map file which store mapping which can be used to mapped while importing data for same entity.
  • This Maps can be imported or is created when you Import some file and specify the data map name in last stage of import wizard

  • To import a file, Xml file is the only supported format.
  • When you import data using data import wizard, the fields mapping is something which can be reused.


Data Import

Data Import has following three options

Excel Template

  • Excel Template can be created from multiple place in CRM
    Setting > Data management > Import is one of the location from where you can create excel template
  • You can download Excel as well word Template
  • You Can download or upload Excel/word template.
  • To Download Excel template, you can select Entity and select view and optionally you can edit columns as required.
  • To download word template, you can select only entity which can be used as mail merge and so.

Export To Excel

  • This Option is available on almost all Views and all search.
  • Just one Click and download all Data which is visible on your view to excel

Import Data

  • Import data using drag drop option or just select your file.
  • There is new feature introduced by Microsoft, Data Loader Service, to make a bulk data import faster than ever. Find more here
  • Importing file raises first question is which files are supported to import, I mean which file format?
    > Comma-Separated values (.csv) | Excel (.xlxs)
    > Text (.txt)
    > Compress (.Zip)
    > Excel Spread Sheet 2003 (.xml)
  • If you try to upload file except above mention formats you will get following error
  • This file type is not supported. You must select a comma-separated values (.csv) file, a text (.txt) file, an XML Spreadsheet 2003 (.xml) file, or a zip (.zip) file.
  • Csv, txt and xml file import is used to import single file, to import multiple files at a time zip format can be used in such case.
  • The maximum file size allowed for .zip files is 32 MB. For the other file formats, the maximum file size allowed is 8 MB.
  •  It is a best practice to always download a template for which entity you want import data and add data in that template excel.
  • To Import a file, a wizard will be open when you click import data
    • Stage 1 > select a file or drag drop a file with proper format file and within size limit.
    • Stage 2 > Once file is uploaded here, you will see the list of files which will be imported, this is multiple in case of Zip upload
    • Stage 3 > Select Data  Map
      This stage is where you have option to select data maps if you have already created.
      There are chance when you have to import data in some entity again and again and you don’t want to lose mapping of those fields, at first import you can select default mapping and save the data map for next import.
      For every data map you can either import by creating custom mapping of XML format or save a map file on first import of specific entity.
      More Details on Data Map
      Data map Wizard here gives following options
      Default – Automatic mapping
      Rules for auto mapping is as follow
      Rule 1- File name exactly matches display name of record type.
      e.g. File Name “Contact” will be mapped to “Contact” Entity in CRM.
      Rule 2 – Columns heading names exactly matches the display name of fields inside the entity or record type.
      E.G. Column in Excel with heading “First Name” will match to “First Name” field in MS CRM.
      Data Maps for
      This Maps can be used in Sales force CRM where you can used in import data in Sales force CRM.
      Data Maps for MS Outlook Business Contact management
      Selecting default will automatically map your fields based on above rules,
    • Stage 4 > Map Fields
      This stage will map your files with Entity and match fields with matching display name of that entity.
      if any mapping is missing which CRM cannot resolve, Map stage will show warning message for those fields
      there are two group of fields
      Required Fields – This field can be kept as not mapped but while moving to next stage, CRM will prompt a warning
      Un-mapping mandatory fields can result in to import failure  Continue or Cancel
      Optional fields, which still is not recommended to keep empty but is allowed to keep it unmapped.
      Either you can mapped field with Entity fields which is already in CRM.
      Option fields can be ignored as well.
      Or you can keep required or optional fields as unmapped.
      For optional field, you can create field on the fly at the time of import with data types same as Excel column type.
      We have option to filter the fields, by mapped or unmapped or all.
    • Stage 5 > Review Mapping Summary
      Which shows which entity or record type will be mapped to your imported file and if you want to edit any fields you can edit by going back or Click EDIT
    • Stage 6 > Review Setting and Import Data.
      Data getting imported can already exists or are new.
      Creating duplicate records for those which are already in system leads to duplicity of data.
      which can be avoided here and its avoided by default “Allow Duplicate is set to No” by default.
      To still create those record again, need to  select Yes for allow duplicate.
      Owner Plays important role during import

Note : This user will own the imported records if the records do not contain owner information or if the records cannot be assigned to the specified owners.
Owners needs to have appropriate access right for all the records getting created else, import may fail.
Data Map Name – if you want to use the same mapping for next import just specify the name of Data maps which is optional,
specifying data map name will create data maps and you can see the map file create in Setting > Data management > Data Maps.
To See the import status, about record success and failure, you can go to setting > Data management > Imports.


Template for Data Import

Sample Data 


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