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How to Use the Payables Copy/Paste Feature in Excel – Dynamics GP (Video)

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How to Use the Payables Copy/Paste Feature in Excel – Dynamics GP (Video)

In this short video, see how to use the new Payables copy and paste feature using Excel that was added in Dynamics GP 18.3.

Transcript below:

My name is Shilpi Rao and I’m from Encore Business Solutions. So, today I’m going to be talking about the new feature that was added in GP 18.3 which is the Payables copy and paste feature using Excel. So, let’s just see an example. This is what your template should look like. So, you have a transaction tab and a distribution tab.

So, in the transaction you need these fields in the same columns, so there’s a description field, purchase amount, discount, freight, miscellaneous document number, purchase order, and cash amount. And then if you’re using the default, then you don’t need to import these distributions, but if you’re not using that then you can copy paste the distributions too.

So, for that you need these five columns, you have to have a line number, then you put in all your account numbers, then you have the distribution type, and then you have your debits and credits. So, let’s see how this looks in GP. So, we’re going to open our Payables Transaction Entry window, and unfortunately you cannot copy the Vendor ID. So we have to manually enter the Vendor ID. So, let’s assume we’re creating a transaction for Ace Travel. So, I’ll select that, and now you have to copy your distribution first, before you copy your actual transactions.

So, let’s just go to the distribution tab. I’ll open my Excel, let’s go to distribution, and we’ll copy all the rows except the header. So, copy that, I’ll go back to my GP, and I’ll just hit Paste. it’ll usually pop up an error report that tells you what needs to be fixed, so, in this case, this looks good so we hit OK. Yeah, it’s going to throw this message which we can ignore because now we’re going to copy paste the transaction, which will get rid of these errors.

So, then we go to our transaction, that’s my transaction, so I’m going to copy the line, but make sure you don’t copy the header. So, I copy that, and I go back here, and I hit Paste. So, there you have it, that’s how your copy paste works. Save it to a batch, and you’re done. So, this one, just like the GL copy paste, you can do only one transaction at a time. Okay, thank you everyone, bye.

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This post first appeared first on Encore Business Solutions.


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