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Now Playing: CAL Connect Event Video and Photo Highlights

AC@CAL Profile Picture AC@CAL 3,100

Some of our Dynamics GP clients are movie stars. Well, stars of our movie that is.

We just released our CAL Connect2016 Event Highlights video and photos and invite you to take a look. You just may see some familiar faces.

Watch: CAL Connect Event Video

A big thank you to all our clients who were brave enough to get up in front of the camera. And thanks to for the excellent video production.

If you didn’t get your millisecond of fame in our 1 minute video, check out the event photo highlights.

View: Event Photos and Pre-Day Photos

(Hint: Click on any photo to download and share it with your team, blow it up poster size or use it as your screensaver.)

You can also access the event presentations and connect with sponsors at

Our next CAL Connect event is scheduled for May 2018. But in the meantime our team is always ready to support you and your Dynamics GP system. Give us a call if you are interested in:

  • New User Training
  • New Version/Module Training
  • Upgrades
  • Strategy Sessions
  • System Evaluations

Contact 860-485-0910 x3 or

by CAL Business Solutions,

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