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Upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 fails on company table APR_BSSBEN02

This issue has been fixed in the March Hotfix that was released on 4/7/2015.  This hotfix can be accessed via this link:


Recently we have seen a number of cases coming in that are failing on the following table in the company database: APR_BSSBEN02.  This table is failing to insert the records from the HRPBEN02 table because it needs to create the dependents from beneficiaries. 

If you are currently in the failed state and have created a DexSQL.log, you may see the following statement in the log file:

Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'SEQNUMBR', table 'Databasename.dbo.APR_BSSBEN02'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

Please run the following script PRIOR to kicking off the Upgrade if you haven't already done so to resolve the issue before you encounter it:
(As always, ensure that you have a valid working backup of the DYNAMICS database and all Company databases before proceeding.)

Otherwise, if the database is already in the failed state, you can go through the following steps:

    1. Do not restore the company databases.  All troubleshooting can take place at the time of failure.
    2. Make sure you have a valid working backup of the Dynamics database and all Company databases before proceeding.
    3. Run the following script against all of your company databases.

    4. Run the following script against the System Database:
      Delete DU000030 WHERE (Status <> 0 or errornum <> 0) and Status <>15  
    5. Launch Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 Utilities to continue the upgrade from the failed state.

This issue is tentatively set to be fixed in the March Hotfix.



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