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Ageing Report

BillurSamdancioglu Profile Picture BillurSamdancioglu 15,811 Most Valuable Professional

Ageing Report is very commonly used report and I really like the report and its parameters.

This is why I'll spare this blog on a report I like.

Even if it is basically a  report, it is very user friendly.But you need to know how to use it. You need to understand how to setup the parameters before you run the report.


As you may see in the ageing parameters there are 2 date fields. 

One is the balance date and the other is the ageing start date.

Balance date is used for the date of the transaction date. So if today: date is 13.09.2022 and you select balance date as 31.08.2022, system will have the data till 31.08.2022.

Ageing date is how system creates the buckets. There are 6 buckets in ageing report. Before the ageing buckets, after the ageing buckets and 4 buckets of the period selected. 

You can age your report per transaction date, due date or document date. In general due date is being used to see when to do the payments.

There are two ways to have the report for ageing periods. You can either set up defaults for ageing period definitions or manually define the period intervals. 

If you want to decide manually rather than to setup, you select the intervals with to fill the fields. Interval and select day/month. If you want to see monthly then interval will be 1 and selection will be month. If you want to see quarterly, then selection will be month and interval will be 3.

You can have your report per accounting or reporting currency.

Printing direction is the selection if you want to age forward or backward. What does forward or backward means? It depends to the selection of the ageing date. If you want to see the values backward for the ageing date or forward of the ageing date.

If you want to see the ageing descriptions on the report you can say yes to the printing definition.

If you want to see the details of the ageing like which transactions are included, then you may say yes to details.

If you want to see the transaction currency amounts as well then you select yes to see transaction amount details.

Be careful on what you want to see on the report. As much as you want to see, it gets more complex to see and analyse.

You can include or exclude negative balanced vendors or do payment positioning or exclude zero balance accounts.


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