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Trigger Power Automate flows from Power Pages

Nick.Doelman Profile Picture Nick.Doelman 1,947 Most Valuable Professional

At MS Build last week everyone was all “Copilot this and Copilot that…” and the were other announcements that I feel are going to be also very impactful.

One of these is the ability to trigger a Power Automate flow from Power Pages and get the results back to that page.

I tried this out and WOW! This is going to be a game changer in building powerful Power Pages websites.

Check out the official announcement and the corresponding documentation.

Check out my video where I follow the How-To from the documentation and build a Power Automate flow that takes a location from a webpage, runs a flow to the MSN weather service and returns the results to the webpage… super fast!

Cover Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Want to learn more?

Sign up for my workshop at Nordic Summit!

I will be delivering a workshop at Nordic Summit on September 22, 2023 where I will not only get you ramped up on Power Pages quickly but also provide you with techniques to add power to your Power Pages sites and projects. Use the BOOST40 discount code to save 40%!

ALSO – if you sign up, I will hop on a 1 hour teams call before or after the training to discuss your Power Pages project!

Register today!

Nick Doelman is a Senior Content Developer at Microsoft, a Microsoft Certified Trainer, a former Most Valuable Professional (2017-2021), one of the cohosts of the Power Platform BOOST podcast, a community presenter and also competes in international Powerlifting competitions, where he recently won bronze in the World Bench Press Championships in South Africa. Follow Nick on twitter at @ReadyXRM


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