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Use Web Templates as components

Nick.Doelman Profile Picture Nick.Doelman 1,947 Most Valuable Professional

While Power Pages provides a variety of components to display data from Dataverse using lists, forms, and even from embedded Power BI reports.

There are times when you would want to expand these further and build custom layouts. This is where you can build custom web templates to achieve your unique requirements. Using web templates isn’t a new feature, and I have blogged about using web templates before to overcome limitations with some of the out of the box components like lists. See Overcoming Entity List Roadblocks with HTML and Liquid as an example.

Imagine if you could build web templates that would accept maker parameters and allow you to build a library of custom components that can be reconfigured for re-use and your makers could define how to use them.

Web templates as components now provide that ability! Essentially, you can now add a “Manifest” section to your web templates and makers can then configured them in the design studio.

See the official Microsoft announcement here: Power Pages Blog

Check out the official documentation here: Web templates as components

I have created a video where I walk through the how-to sample that is provided in the documentation:


I am very curious to see what web template components the community will create!

Want to learn more? Sign up for my workshop at Nordic Summit!

I will be delivering a workshop at Nordic Summit on September 22, 2023 where I will not only get you ramped up on Power Pages quickly but also provide you with techniques to add power to your Power Pages sites and projects. Use the BOOST40 discount code to save 40%!

Register today!

Cover Photo by Robin Glauser on Unsplash

Nick Doelman is a Senior Content Developer at Microsoft, a Microsoft Certified Trainer, a former Most Valuable Professional (2017-2021), one of the cohosts of the Power Platform BOOST podcast, a community presenter and also competes in international Powerlifting competitions, including the upcoming World Bench Press Championships in South Africa. Follow Nick on twitter at @ReadyXRM


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