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Dynamics CRM Tip: What is a Queue?

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Our CRM tip last week was talking about using queues in CRM but what is a queue? A queue is one of the many great entities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. It is used to act like a container to hold anything that needs to be worked on. You have the ability to prioritize the items listed in the queue and filter to specific users and teams. Here are some examples of what a queue can offer CRM users:

  • Activity assignments to a departments where one or multiple people can respond
  • Requests for documentation to support a campaign
  • Technical support for a service requests
  • Engineer drawings needed for a quote

By default every user and team has a queue created with their respective name. Queues can be enabled for any entity and offer both public and private queues. Private queues offer a means of handing sensitive information so only member of the queue can view the queue items.

Routing Rules

Routing rules offer a means to apply workflow processes to a queue. For example, CRM could automatically route a service case to a specific queue based on the territory of the Account. The routing rules use advanced fine to define routing definitions. This allows use of conditions like “and” & “or”.

Queues 1

Routing rules can be manually or automatically applied to both out of the box entities and custom entities.

Queues 2

Finally, when the queue request has been complete, users mark it complete or remove it from the queue view.

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The post Dynamics CRM Tip: What is a Queue? appeared first on Ledgeview Partners.


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