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Subledger Journal Entries Not Yet Transferred - D365 F&SC

Hi Everyone,

Did you encounter a situation where you posted a Purchase Order Invoice or a Free Text Invoice and, after posting, clicked on 'Voucher' to see the financial effect, but no lines were created?

You are reading the right blog; then, below, we will see why this happens and how we can resolve it manually and not wait for the system to process it in its own time.

Let's first look at WHY such a scenario occurs.

  • This is due to a simple setup done in the General Ledger Module.
  • When the Batch Transfer Rule is set to Asynchronous, the system transfers the sub-ledger accounting entries to the general ledger in a scheduled manner, mostly immediately. The General ledger voucher will be recorded as soon as the batch resources are available to process the request on the server.
  • Another option - Scheduled Batch, in this option the system allows you to transfer the source document sub-ledger journal entries to the general ledger by using a scheduled batch.
Note: Most of us use Asynchronous option only

Now, let's talk about HOW to do this manually.

When we do not find a voucher for the sub-ledger entry posted in the system:

  • Go to General Ledger> Periodic Tasks> Subledger journal entries that have not yet been transferred, and you will find the list of sub-ledger entries that have been posted but are yet to be transferred.
  • Select the entry you want to transfer and click the Transfer Now Button available.

And you are done!

Now you can see the voucher for the entry that you have posted.

I hope this short yet important setup was helpful. You can use it in some of your assignments.

Happy Learning..!!

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