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Purchase req Workflow Approvals based on the signing limits

Purchase requisition: A purchase requisition is a document that an employee within your organization creates to request a purchase of goods or services.
Workflow : A Workflow is defined as a sequence of tasks that processes data through a specific path from initiation to completion.
Configurable Hierarchy: This process is similar like managerial hierarchy process but in this we can define our own hierarchy based on position hierarchy and attach to the workflow
I am using Purchase requisition as example, but this will be applicable for any workflow.
Business scenario: Company want to have a Approvals based on the positions before purchasing a procurement material into company warehouse (Eg: Supervisor -> Manager -> Plant manager > Director)Here company maintains the limit of approvals for each position.
Purpose of the hierarchy workflow: Hierarchy works based on employees/worker reporting hierarchy in the organization. This option is used based on position definition where one position reports to another position
1.     Jobs
2.     Positions
3.     Workers
4.     Users
5.     Signing limits
6.     Workflow design
Jobs:Human resources > Setup > Title
1.     Add titles for all jobs (Ref screen shot below)

Human resource jobs> jobs
1.     Define for each job
2.     Job id
3.     Description title
Human resources > Positions > Positions (Ref screen shot below)

Human resources > Workers > Workers (Ref screen shot below)

1.     Add the worker records (Employee or Contract)
2.     Assign workers to their positions
Users: Associate user record with the employee (System admin module)

Signing limits
Organization Admin> Setup > Signing limits

1.     Limit basis: Job or compensation level
2.     Signing limit rule details
3.     Job rule
Workflow design: Here i have designed simple workflow but based on the requirement can also be expanded(Eg: Financial dimensions, Data wise, Conditions etc)

In the workflow we should provide the Hierarchy as "Configurable" and conditions, I have given simple condition but we can also consider different conditions based on the requirements, It will stop at certain level once below condition fulfills. Start from the requester or preparer or originator can be assigned.

Create a own hierarchy name (Human resources > Positions > Position hierarchy Types) and assign workflow to the hierarchy

Assign the Hierarchy name to the purchase req workflow (Ref below screen shot)

Create a own hierarchy: Human resource > Positions > All positions, The positions should have a proper worker and employee id associated to the user id in the system admin module, In the relationship fast tab give the Hierarchy name and Reports to position same relation.
(Eg: A user -> B user-> C user ->D user)

So we have almost done our steps for specific requirements then create a purchase req.
Creating a Purchase requisition: Let assume that we required a material into warehouse so we should required approval from organization before purchasing a material.

Submit the purchase req workflow.
System will consider the Purchase req approval start from the requester as given in the workflow Hierarchy selection(At this time system will goes to the positions and reports to fast tab based on the relationship it allocated to the next approval at the same time system also validates the signing limits for this positions and stops at certain level if the condition matches in the workflow, Below screen shots for the reference, I have given next approval relation to the Jodi Christiansen from Julia (Eg: Julia >Jodi > Ahmed) When I created a purchase req and submitted it allocated to the Jodi(Next approver).

(Explanation for clear clarification)
  1. Julia created a purchase req for $999 and Submitted to the Approval (We have created a signing limits for each positions (Jodi Christiansen signing limits is $999, Ahmed limit is 9999$ etc.)
  2. System goes to the next approval limit from the positions and checks the signing limits approval also if signing limits matches the workflow conditions then workflow completes after the specific approval user is approved.
  3. Julie submitted the PR and Jodi approved the PR and workflow completes- In my scenario.
I hope this blog helps for few users.

