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Superdrive Your Lead Generation | Dynamics 365 Shorts



Check out video ten in our Dynamics 365 Shorts series, as we take a look at how you can super drive your lead generation by leveraging the power of Copilot's amazing AI assistance.
Fancy turning your leads into deals? Well, with Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, you'll be able to cast an invisible net over your digital interactions to capture and score leads seamlessly - whether they've engaged with your website, responded to an email, or even attended a webinar!
So, why not strike while the iron’s hot - click the link below to visit Microsoft Learn and find out how you can turn a lead into a deal with Dynamics 365 Customer Insights today. 

And don’t forget that you can discover more tips and resources on the Microsoft community website, where you can connect with thousands of other users just like you. Click the link below to sign up today and start exploring!


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