Today, I would like to discuss a few scenarios where the Select Checks process does not pick up Invoices during the build process as this is a common issue we see in support.
The first scenario is one that we have been seeing more frequently over the past couple months and hope this will help save you a call to support.
Mekorma’s Assign by Checkbook:
Mekorma, has a product that is called Assign by Checkbook. What this product does is allows you to assign a Checkbook to your Invoices. This way when you build a check batch using the Build Payments window, it will only pick up the Invoices that are assigned to the checkbook which you selected for you batch.
What we see in support, is the Invoices do not have the Checkbook Assigned which causes them to not get selecting during the build process as it doesn’t meet the restrictions for this products code.
If you disable this product through the Customization Status window, the Invoices will then be selected during the build process.
- To temporarily disable a product:
- Dynamics GP | Tools | Customize | Customization Status.
- Select the Product.
- Click Disable.
You can also reach out to Mekorma for assistance with this after verification that the Assign by Checkbook product is causing the issue.
Due Date Restriction
Another common cause of an Invoice not getting picked up during the Build Payments process is when using the Due Date restriction and the Invoice Due Date is not within range.
If you are using a Due Date Restriction and an Invoice is not getting selected, there is an easy way to verify if the Due Date is within the Restriction. This can be done by looking at the Payment Term that is assigned to the Invoice. Even if there is not Payment Term assigned, the window will show the Due Date and you can verify that is within range of your restrictions in the Build Payments window.
- Open the Payables Transaction Inquiry by Vendor window.
- Purchasing >> Inquiry >> Transaction by Vendor
- Select the Vendor ID.
- Select the Document.
- Click the Document Number to Drill Back to the Transaction Inquiry window.
- Click the Payment Terms Expansion Arrow and review the Due Date.
If you see this issue and the Due Date is incorrect, you can change the date using the Edit Payables Transaction window.
- Edit Payables Transaction window.
- Purchasing >> Transactions >> Edit Transaction Information
- Select the Vendor.
- Select the Document Type.
- Select the Document Number.
- Change the Due Date.
Remit to Address ID
The last scenario that I will cover in this article is with EFT’s. This scenario is occurs when your Remit To Address. The Remit To Address ID determines how the check will be paid. The specifics to this are EFT or Physical Check.
If you select Check in the batch window, but the Invoices Remit To Address ID is your EFT Address ID, the Invoice will not be selected. The same occurs if your Address ID assigned to the Invoice is not the EFT Address ID but the Batch has the EFT selected.
You can change your Remit To Address ID on an Invoice in the Edit Payables Transactions window as well.
- Edit Payables Transaction window.
- Purchasing >> Transactions >> Edit Transaction Information
- Select the Vendor.
- Select the Document Type.
- Select the Document Number.
- Change the Remit To Address ID.
The last scenario that I recently ran into is if you are using a mixture of EFT and Physical Checks for a Vendor.
With GP, all EFT Invoices need to be paid before a Physical check run can be created for that Vendor. Please see the example below.
- I have two Invoices.
- The first Invoice is using a Remit To Address ID for EFT.
- The second Invoice is using a non EFT Remit To Address ID.
- If I run Select Checks for a Physical Check Run batch and both of these Invoices are unpaid, Select Checks will not pickup the Physical Invoice to be paid because I have a EFT Invoice out there.
- I would need to pay the EFT Invoice with an EFT Batch then run a Check Batch to pick up the Physical Check Invoice.
I hope this will help and save you a call to support.
Thank you!
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