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Strategies to Enhance Performance of Cloud-Hosted Virtual Machines in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.

 In my experience the largest boost in X++ dev performance comes from adding the right exlusions to Microsoft Defender or (Other AV software)'

Here is my PowerShell coemmand to setup AV - adjust and use at OWN RISK. 

Add-MpPreference -ExclusionExtension @('*.md', '*.man', '*.xml', '*.xpp', '*.netmodule') -ExclusionPath @('E:\Git', 'C:\AOSService', 'C:\Logs') -ExclusionProcess @('AosDeploy.exe', 'testhost.exe', 'xppfagen.exe', 'sqlservr.exe', 'axsetup.exe', 'robocopy.exe', 'xppcagent.exe', 'git.exe', 'xppc.dll', 'xppcAgent.17.0.exe', 'labelc.exe', 'xppc.exe', 'devenv.exe', 'xppbp.exe', 'vstestconsole.exe', 'batch.exe', 'qtagent32.exe', 'qtagent32_40.exe', 'w3wp.exe', 'iisexpress.exe')

#D365FO, #Development, #X++ 

This was originally posted here.


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