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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / Vikas Sankla's AX Blog / Attempt by method ‘Dynamics...

Attempt by method ‘Dynamics.Ax.Application.AifRequestProcessor.Processwcfrequest(Dynamics.Ax.Application.AifMessage, Dynamics.Ax.Application.AifSendMode)’ to access method ‘Dynamics.Ax.Application.Application.Setdefaultcompany(...

It has been an hectic week out here on troubleshooting AIF RequestProcessor issue after an Fresh Installation of AX 2012 R2.

While any AIF webservice call to AX, i was getting an unknown and brand new error of AIF throwing exception, which i haven’t found any solution on Internet.

Attempt by method ‘Dynamics.Ax.Application.AifRequestProcessor.Processwcfrequest(Dynamics.Ax.Application.AifMessage, Dynamics.Ax.Application.AifSendMode)’ to access method ‘Dynamics.Ax.Application.Application.Setdefaultcompany(System.String, Boolean, Boolean)’ failed., finally got an idea in my Mind to delete XppiL files and Compile the AX application.

To resolve this issue, sudden idea bulb glows in my mind and performed below steps :)


Resolution :

1) Stop AOS Server

2) Took a back up of XppIL folder “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\bin\XppIL” and then deleted files under this folder.

3) Start AOS Server, will take some time till XppIL files are regenerated.

4) Compile the AX Application, i preferred to do by Command Line.

Cmd -> “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\bin”

run command  -> axbuild.exe xppcompileall

This is fastest way to compile application in AX.

5) Then i have performed Full CIL from AOT .

This worked and AIF Webservice started working.


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