Error deactivating Business Process Flow after upgrade from CRM 2015 to Dyn365
Lately I had a couple of customers with an upgrade from CRM 2015 to 2016 and eventually to Dynamics 365. After this upgrade, there is a problem deactivating already activated Business Process Flows. You’ll receive an error like down here. When you open the log file, the error message says Microsoft Dynamics CRM has experienced an error. As this is not a very helpful message, I started to investigate on a solution.
Please keep in mind that this problem is already fixed for Online, but still exists for on-premise. For the on-premise I figured out that there is one difference between the Business Process Flows that cannot be deactivated and the ones that can. In the SQL database, go to the WorkflowBase table. You’ll find the field BusinessProcessType with a value of NULL. However, the upgrade should have set this to the value 0 (zero).
The fix
Now for the fix. If you are not used to change things in SQL, please find someone who is. Also always make a backup of your database before you start changing values. Changing values directly in the database of Dynamics CRM is not supported by Microsoft, so we’ll have to be very carefull.
First we need to find the ID that belongs to the Business Process Flow. You can find it by opening the Business Process Flow and look at the URL. The ID is situated between ?id=%7b and %7d. Now copy the ID as you need it to change the database. The ID should look like this 516b5f3-c18c-e611-813a-005056117dd9.
For the last part open SQL Server Management Studio and start a new query on your CRM database. Run the query as you see it down here (please replace the ID with the ID of your own Business Process Flow). You can now immediately deactivate your Business Process Flow.
update dbo.WorkflowBase set BusinessProcessType = 0 where WorkflowId = '516b5f3-c18c-e611-813a-005056117dd9'The post Error deactivating Business Process Flow after upgrade from CRM 2015 to Dyn365 appeared first on Marc Gerner.
Error deactivating Business Process Flow after upgrade from CRM 2015 to Dyn365Hi can I know how can we remove(Business Process ErrorAn unexpected error occurred from ISV code. (ErrorType = ClientError) Unexpected exception from plug-in (Execute): OpportunityPlugin.M: System.Exception:)/ Modify BPE and display nly Error msg we want to displayBusiness Process ErrorAn unexpected error occurred from ISV code. (ErrorType = ClientError) Unexpected exception from plug-in (Execute): OpportunityPlugin.M: System.Exception:
'Error Message :'
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