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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / Nishant Rana’s Weblog / “Does not contain data” fil...

“Does not contain data” filter in Advanced Find in Dynamics 365 July 2017 Update

Nishant Rana Profile Picture Nishant Rana 45 Microsoft Employee

With July 2017 Update in Dynamics 365, Advanced Find view now supports Does Not Contain Data filter for related record.

So basically, we can now write a query like “Find all the lead records which doesn’t contain any related task”. However, we cannot define any filter conditions for the related record though.

The other interesting thing that we observed that in the case of N – N relationships it throws exception.

For e.g. if we want to find all the contacts that are not associated to marketing list

We get the following exception à


The does not contain data filter isn’t available while defining marketing list members in marketing list.

Hope it helps..

Filed under: CRM, Dynamics 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Tagged: CRM, Dynamics 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Dynamics CRM

This was originally posted here.


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