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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / Dynamics 365 Vs Me / How to enable maintenance mode

How to enable maintenance mode

Hi Folks,

Now when most of the project management stuff needs to handle via LCS for D365FO project implementation. In each cloud-hosted environment, we use to have the option to enable maintenance mode for an environment. But for DevTest/Demo environments we don’t have that option on LCS. So, here are some steps to enable maintenance mode,
1. Open SQL server management studio (SSMS) in the dev box.
2. Go to AXDB and use the below queries as per your requirement,

a. To check current state
select Value from sqlsystemvariables a where a.PARM = 'configurationmode'

b. To enable maintenance mode
update sqlsystemvariables set VALUE = 1 where PARM = 'configurationmode'

c.  Now you need to restart word wide web service. Sometimes it doesn't work and you need to just restart this service for more than once.

d. Once you done with your activities run below query to disable maintenance mode
update sqlsystemvariables set VALUE = 0 where PARM = 'configurationmode'

3. Whenever you made a change to it.

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This post is referenced from MS Docs.


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