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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / AXSHAH / MB-330 3.3 BOM Form

MB-330 3.3 BOM Form

Exploring BOM form:

One way go main BOM item in Product Info Management -> released products -> Navigation Pane: Engineering -> BOM -> Lines

This opens and shows versions which can approve, activates and calculations along with item lines where each BOM lines tab has

  • General
    • Confi group
    • Item no
    • Position: To organize lines in sequence
    • BOM line type
    • calculation yes no
    • Sub bom  link
    • valid date ranges
    • operation no: route based,  to consume item at a specific step example: Batching plant issues concrete to elements
    • Sub Contractor vendor account
  • Setup
    • Qty
    • Per series: to make no of qty into one series. Example item gloves qty 2 but per series one to become a pair. Used when item qty as a single is too small in value
    • unit
    • Formula: (see measurement topic for more details)
      • Standard
      • Height*Constant
      • Height*width*Constant
      • Height*Width*Depth*Constant
      • Height*Width*Depth/Density*Constant
      • Step
    • Consumption is
    • Flushing Principle
      • Start: When Production Order is created and set to started then item is automatically consumed
      • Finish: When Production Order is created and set to Finished then item is automatically consumed
      • Manual: Item is manually picked and registered against production Order
    • Constant scrap
    • Variable scrap
    • Measurements like height, width, depth, density & constant
    • Step-consumption: if formula type step is selected

2nd way is Inventory Management -> Common->Bill of materials

This opens a form list all BOM items with BOM no and versions

This was originally posted here.


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