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Power Platform | The Adoption Framework puzzle

Friends, I was recently pulled into conversations around Adoption Frameworks and it felt like leaving a lot of puzzle pieces in front of a customer in the hope of them being able to catch-up and get it done. Today, I therefore like to shed some light and share some personal thoughts with you, that I hope will save time and effort for those selecting and using those frameworks.

Adoption Framework comparison

Let me start by first sharing with you above visual, where I do a comparison of the Azure Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) and the Power Platform Adoption Framework (PPAF). For a customer considering to start moving into the cloud (Migrate module) or start improving their journey (Innovate), a framework like CAF could be a good starting point for them in terms of finding answers, best-practices and guidelines.

Those starting their low-code or automation journey of course would rather be pointed to the Power Platform one, which typically starts for them by studying Center of Excellence (COE), and a common understanding of Governance and Security (Govern) module around the Power Platform.

Why does it feel like a puzzle during a conversation for many customers or even for some consultants?
Answering that question, might not be an easy one, as there´re many facets to it. So, I started asking for feedback during my conversations and share them with you today.

First, taking a look at the obvious of both of these frameworks. The intent or mission they try to accomplish it isn´t clear for some, if those two frameworks are actually aligned to each other, or if they are vice-versa kind of created.

Let me try to bring some clarity in there by saying: CAF mainly being focused on Cloud activities around using Azure services and generating business outcomes. It starts by having a strategy in general before following up with a plan. PPAF surprise, surprise focusing on implementing and growing with Power Platform components and address current and future digital transformation needs, it also could start by having a strategy first before going „all-in“. In other words, there´re a lot of similarities between them by for instance taking a look at a Business Value Assessment or doing other kind of assessments inside the strategy phase.

Second, while there´s an overlap in terms of the audience and modules for both of these Frameworks it was written and designed for, it´s not necessarily each of them talking to each other and sharing their experience while using their framework.

Indeed, what I´ve seen happening at customers is not that Azure project owners are also taking care of the implementation and digital transformation with the help of Power Platform. In fact there could be even two different administrative teams that are taking care of those subjects, less talking to each other. It all depends on the individual customer situation.

Third, in terms of the content being provided we can´t find a relationship between those Frameworks. It feels like both of them not being well (enough) connected.

To that point, I would clarify that without having both knowledge inside the Azure and the Power Platform side of the house, it could be complex to understand parts being on top of each others or side-loaded to each others. As an example: Power Platform consent dialog that is send to users when they got shared an app and them using it for the first time. It isn´t clear, that this consent is part of Azure´s Active Directory concept, unless you would technically deep-dive in this. Another example given could be the missing part of cross-references found inside each other.

When reading through CAF for instance, you would acknowledge the content being tight to scenarios. Some of the scenarios, like Data Management, Modern application platform and SAP not cross-referencing to parts inside the PPAF, though Power Platform components could be part of or used to extend those scenarios. Think,

  • Dataverse – it´s role inside Data Management for a company, a maker, a user
  • Power Apps, Power Automate, Power Virtual Agents – their role inside Modern application platform
  • Power Automate, Power Apps, Power Virtual Agents – their role inside SAP scenario

Microsoft makes it a kind of a puzzle for customers to understand the overall synapses between both those Frameworks.

Again, and coming back to what I said earlier, I think the biggest hurdle here is missing cross-references that could be provided, but if so also then needs to be explained in more details than it currently is in place. For instance, when starting inside CAF Data management scenario and your company is using Power Platform as well, it should be clear that there´s an overall data management needed which fits many aspects. Cloud-first hosting, -scaling, code-first and low-code-first developing, company compliance standards, industry standards and regulations by law.


What helped me most was seeing the Power Platform Adoption Framework as both an individual (on-its-own) to be used Framework as well as a Framework that could be cohesively with other Frameworks, like the Azure Cloud Adoption Framework. While things like mapping Governance to Governance, Strategy to Strategy seems obvious, it makes sense to drill deeper into modules and assess concepts of Nurture to Innovation or COE to Manage across both Frameworks.

An important thing for an advisor is to check on access of all accountable audience for this. For instance a RACI matrix in this case could help to combine both Frameworks where needed, but separate where it makes most sense.

With that first glympse on this topic, let me ask for your experience around this. Share insight comments and let´s start exploring it. Until then,…

This was originally posted here.


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