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How to start your Azure VM with Postman. #azure #D365 #F&O

In this blog, I'll walk you through how to start your virtual machine with Postman. 
First step: Go to Azure Portal -> App registrations -> Register new one and note the client and tenant id.

Second step: Go to Certificates & secrets under Manage and create new client secret. Note the value once you create a new client secret; otherwise, it won't be visible again.

Third step: Go to the VM -> 'Access Control' 
Add 'Contributor' access to the new app registration
Forth step: Go to Postman: Here we are going to perform two operations, first for getting a token and the second for starting the VM with token.

For token:
client_id --> Application/Client id 
grant_type --> client_credentials
client_secret --> secret id
resource -->

For start the VM:




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