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Effectively manage site security from the Power Platform Admin Center

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Effectively manage site security from the Power Platform Admin Center<br>


Security is crucial for any website, portal, or application. With the Power Platform Admin Center, you can manage websites within your tenant and access key information. This includes details such as the remaining days before a trial website expires also metrics like the number of sites without Web Application Firewall (WAF) protection or those utilizing external authentication. By checking these insights regularly, you’ll know if your websites are safe from cyber threats. If you find any issues, you can take action to fix them and make sure your websites stay protected.

To monitor the security of all websites within your tenant effectively, follow these steps:

Power Platform Admin Center

Anonymous access enabled

“Anonymous access enabled” indicates websites in Microsoft Dataverse where some tables allow access to data without logging in. This means at least one table permission grants access to anonymous users. For further details, visit Table permissions and click “View details” to review the settings for each website.

Power Platform Admin Center

 Web Application Firewall disabled

“Web Application Firewall disabled” indicates production websites where the Web Application Firewall (WAF) is turned off. Enabling WAF enhances website security, and Microsoft strongly recommends doing so. For more details, visit “Enable Web Application Firewall for a website” and click “View details” to review the WAF settings for each website… Read More »

The post Effectively manage site security from the Power Platform Admin Center first appeared on Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Tips and Tricks.

This was originally posted here.


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