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Manual Business Systems are still Relevant!

This morning, I took my granddaughter to the Aviation Museum. The attendant at the counter was writing out manual receipts, as access to this museum also grants entry to the Transport Museum, and proof of entry was required. All their systems were...

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Whoa !!! What about the Pilot?

Anywhere you go online it is Copilot, Copilot and more Copilot, “In a world dominated by Copilot, have we forgotten the unsung hero—the Pilot? To use a flight analogy for an airliner, the pilot will be flying the plane and the copilot will be mana...

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My Work at Home Day (A Parody)

In the whimsical ballet of working from home, where pyjama-clad professionals pirouette between Zoom calls and email acrobatics, I found myself entangled in a comedic paradox today. As I revelled in the bliss of my home office, I couldn’t he...

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An Uneven Playing Field

As the debate rages on and on about “Working from Home vs. Back to the Office” and various levels of hybrid work, it has become apparent to me that in some circumstances, there is an uneven playing field in this Hybrid environment when...

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CRM in a Recession

Well, we heard a few weeks ago that New Zealand is officially in a recession! Scary stuff. When there is any form of crimping in a market, innovative ways to sell and market products become quite important. No matter what you are selling, having g...

Community Member Microsoft Employee
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40 Years in Business Systems

It was on the 2nd of May 1983, 40 years ago, that I started my career at Kalamazoo Business Systems. I still have my original appointment letter, and in today’s money I would earn $12.55 per month in New Zealand dollars plus commissio...

Community Member Microsoft Employee
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Letting the Ink Dry – Back-to-Back meetings

I recently came across this very interesting study on the subject of back-to-back meetings by Microsoft Research Proves Your Brain Needs Breaks ( where the key takeaway is taking breaks at the end of each meeting. This is something ...

Project Management
Community Member Microsoft Employee
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A Stitch in Time

On my second day in the army many years ago we were issued with a bewildering amount of kit, including clothing, tactical gear, a rifle with magazines and a bayonet. We were going to be taught how to use all of this gear, along with machine g...

Community Member Microsoft Employee