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Expanding our Biz Apps Skilling cohorts

As I hope you know, we have been running training cohorts for displaced and vulnerable Ukrainians. We have been very successful. We built the program around having a core set of day-to-day volunteers who are Ukrainian speakers, but the support...

Julie Yack 1,358
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Upcoming events and conferences

I’ve been late to write about conferences coming up. But, there’s a bunch on the horizon! First up is DynamicsCon live in Denver. I’m delivering TWO sessions. My goal for this event was to support new speakers. So, both of...

Julie Yack 1,358
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The continued cost of the war in Ukraine and those it leaves behind

I'm traumatized. My grandson is now an orphan and I want to give him a good future. When the war in Ukraine broke out, I had to leave for Germany with my son because it was very dangerous to stay...

Julie Yack 1,358
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Introducing the Biz Apps Classroom podcast

Yes, it’s true. Literally everyone now has a podcast, including me. Jason Gumpert and I go way back. We’ve always been supportive of each other’s efforts, but never had a chance to work together. But a random hallway conversation at...

Julie Yack 1,358
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Here’s the story of shortcuts.

About a million years ago, we opened a business banking account with Bank ABC. At the time, they had two primary types of accounts, personal and business. So far so good. Personal accounts had data fields for all the expected...

Julie Yack 1,358
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Ignite 2023 Copilot links

If you were in our hands-on lab sessions, we promised links. Here you go: Get Started With Copilot in Cloud Flows (Microsoft Documentation) Create Power Platform Solutions w...

Julie Yack 1,358
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The most effective use of AI is a whisper

Copilots. Large language models. GPT this. Open AI that. The world is full of excitement for AI. And the world is full of doom-and-gloom for AI. While there are many over-the-top scenarios we’ve seen, the most effective uses of AI...

Julie Yack 1,358
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My digest updates

So much great feedback! Keep it coming. Use the Ideas page on the 365.Training site or reach out to me directly. So, in case you haven’t heard, my digest at 365.Training is a place to stay up to date on...

Julie Yack 1,358