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How to get Environment Variable Value in Dynamics 365 CE using JavaScript?

We might have got a scenario to use the Environment Variable Value in the JavaScript in Dynamics 365 CE. In this article, will explain about retrieving the Environment Variable current Value using JS. Follow the below example. Example: Create an E...

Arun Potti 1,442
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Model-driven Apps – openAlertDialog – Code Snippet

We quite often use the alert to display a dialog, which contains a message and a button. In this article, will explain about the syntax and with an example. Syntax: Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog(alertStrings,alertOptions).then(successCallback,err...

Arun Potti 1,442
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Power Automate – Flow is not running on Trigger condition

I was working on a flow and added a Trigger Condition which has 2 conditions in OR clause. @or(equals(triggerOutputs()?[‘body/statecode’], 1), greaterOrEquals(triggerOutputs()?[‘body/closeprobability’], 80)) The flow is working as expected with th...

Arun Potti 1,442
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How to get the Flow Run URL in the Power Automate?

There might be a situation where we need to use the flow run URL, to see the Flow Run Status and if it is failed, using this we can easily debug the Power Automate flow. In this article, will explain how to frame and use the Flow run URL. Follow t...

Arun Potti 1,442
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Power Automate – Input field Delete option is disabled

When I was working on Power Automate, I had to remove one of the parameters in it and when I clicked on the more options on the Input property and tried to delete it, the option is disabled. Then I checked the Power Automate flow thoroughly and un...

Arun Potti 1,442
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Recipient of type ‘Contact’ with ID is marked as non-emailable

Got the below error while working on Power Automate and could not able to send the email to the Contact. Recipient of type ‘Contact’ with ID ‘7e4d5e3a-ac18-ef11-840a-002248920412’ is marked as non-emailable Then, I have opened the Contact and chec...

Arun Potti 1,442
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Preferred Solution | New feature | Microsoft Dataverse

Please like and share your valuable feedback on this article and follow my blog to get my articles to your Inbox. Below are my earlier articles that you can have a look. New and Retired Microsoft Dynamics 365 Certifications Environment settings be...

Arun Potti 1,442
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New and Retired Microsoft Dynamics 365 Certifications

I have posted an article related to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Certifications long back and now Microsoft has shared the new update on these certifications. Below are the updates related to New and Retired (soon) certifications on Microsoft Dynami...

Arun Potti 1,442