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The custom script is not allowed to access the NumberSequenceTable table

ISSUE Getting this error on custom script Test phase: The custom script is not allowed to access the NumberSequenceTable table.     CAUSE Following debugging breadcrumbs: [/api/data/v9.1/msdyn_richtextfiles(d27e1c50-3cb5-ee11-a569-000d3a557230)/m

Lauras U 955
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Dynamics 365 for operations debugging temp tables and visual studio immediate window

If you have temp table and you are in debugging session, you can you immediate window to get exact table name which could be queried in ssms: PurchTableMark is temp table in this debugging context from D365FO. [

Lauras U 955
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Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata from .NET to query all menu items from Menus and di...

Required reference links in solution: C# code: [embed:dc8ab71f-3b98-42d9-b0f6-e21e02a0f8e2:ef1f957e-f766-43e3-92b7-a948cb3e7eca:type=csharp&text=using%20System%3B%20%0D%0Ausing%20System.Linq%3B%20%0D%0Ausing%20System.Text%3B%20%0D%0Ausing%20M...

Lauras U 955
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Missing stored procedure sp_CWWHSOnHandWithDelta error in D365FO

Short post for [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Could not find stored procedure 'sp_CWWHSOnHandWithDelta'. error resolving. Run Tutorial_WHSSetup to initialize WHS related stored procedures: https://YOURDYN...

Lauras U 955
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Dynamics 365 for operations debugging temp tables and visual studio immediate window

Short post for [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Could not find stored procedure 'sp_CWWHSOnHandWithDelta'. error resolving. Run Tutorial_WHSSetup to initialize WHS related stored procedures: https://YOURDYNA...

Lauras U 955
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Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations number of records on entity via odata query

A quick tip how to see entity total number of records without actual export (example from devbox on local Contoso VM):$count=true&$top=0 Url parts:

Lauras U 955
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System diagnostics (Lifecycle Services, LCS) setup

Hi. I was installing System diagnostics (Lifecycle Services, LCS) service following this article I ran into some situations which wasn't...

Lauras U 955
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AddForeignKeyRelation using table relation property relatedTableRole. When and how...

AddForeignKeyRelation using table relation property relatedTableRole. When and how to use it Initial demo setup CustTableMaster Table having three foreign keys [CustAccount1, CustAccount2, CustAccount3] added. All keys point to CustTableCustTable ...

Lauras U 955