Hi Experts
We are experiencing an error during the preparation phase of the Package Deployment.
It says "Deployment status: Preparation failed"
I've downloaded Log when I check merge.txt log I can see below
Waiting for Standalone setup extract to finish.
Extracting contents of deployable package started
Extracting contents of slipstream started
Extracting contents of servicefabric base package started
Extracting contents of deployable package completed
Extracting contents of slipstream completed
Extracting contents of servicefabric base package completed
Extracting contents of standalone setup packages started
Extracting contents of standalone setup packages completed
Waiting for deployable package extract to finish.
All extract operations are finished.
Checking for any modules to remove
Skipping removal of modules as either the RemoveModule.txt file is empty or file is not found
Install metadata packages script started
Completed install metadata packages script with output [2025-03-13T15:47:54Z] Updating Metadata Resources Files
Updating Metadata Reference File.
Updating Additional Files.
Packages installed in this session:
installation log file: D:\T\TempDataFolder\OnPrem\qhoyg2yk.r1u\res\log\install-AXpackages_03132025034740.log
Deleting GeneratedXppSource from [D:\T\TempDataFolder\OnPrem\qhoyg2yk.r1u\res\tempPack\Packages\ABC\bin\GeneratedXppSource]
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'DataEntityView_Template+__Persister__.xpp' is denied.
at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean throwOnTopLevelDirectoryNotFound, WIN32_FIND_DATA& data)
at System.IO.Directory.Delete(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean checkHost)
at Lcs.Servicing.OnPrem.OnPremAXSFService.DeleteGeneratedXppSourceDirectories() in d:\dbs\sh\dlcs\0226_213914\cmd\a\src\lcm\code\lcs.servicing.onprem\OnPremAXSFService.cs:line 901
at Lcs.Servicing.OnPrem.OnPremAXSFService.InstallAXMetadataModule(String deployableAOS, String webroot) in d:\dbs\sh\dlcs\0226_213914\cmd\a\src\lcm\code\lcs.servicing.onprem\OnPremAXSFService.cs:line 888
at Lcs.Servicing.OnPrem.OnPremAXSFService.ServiceSFApp(IServiceFabricServicingOptions options) in d:\dbs\sh\dlcs\0226_213914\cmd\a\src\lcm\code\lcs.servicing.onprem\OnPremAXSFService.cs:line 307
Zipping the log [D:\T\TempDataFolder\OnPrem\qhoyg2yk.r1u\res\log] started
this is a bit wired since VMs have no D Drive.
I appreciate your input/suggestions.