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Error "FlowField in the xxxxxx table must be Decimal" after server Runtime update to 13.1

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Hi all.
I have a BC extension that has been installed and working for a couple of years now. Recently our cloud server was updated to runtime version 13.1.
After that, all attempts to push data using our API fails with multiple errors such as:
{"error":{"code":"Unknown","message":"The type of the Supplier Name FlowField in the xxxxxx table must be Decimal.  CorrelationId:  adab4751-3614-46a5-932b-fcc14f1bf20f."}} | Microsoft.OData.Client.DataServiceClientException: {"error":{"code":"Unknown","message":"The type of the Supplier Name FlowField in the xxxxxx table must be Decimal.  CorrelationId:  adab4751-3614-46a5-932b-fcc14f1bf20f."}}
Here's how the Supplier Name field is declared:
        field(9; "Supplier Code"; Code[20])
            DataClassification = CustomerContent;
            TableRelation = Vendor;
        field(10; "Supplier Name"; Text[100])
            Editable = false;
            FieldClass = FlowField;
            CalcFormula = lookup(Vendor.Name where("No." = field("Supplier Code")));
In table Vendor, fields "No." and "Name" are declared as:
        field(1; "No."; Code[20])
            Caption = 'No.';
            trigger OnValidate()
               // some validation code here
        field(2; Name; Text[100])
            Caption = 'Name';
            trigger OnValidate()
               // some validation code here
This always worked correctly and except when pushing the data through the API, everything works as expected. It started failing after server update to 13.1 and I have no idea why....
Any ideas what is causing this issue and how to resolve it?
Thanks in advance.
  • YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 63,857 Super User on at
    Error "FlowField in the xxxxxx table must be Decimal" after server Runtime update to 13.1
    What a strange error. I searched in the Yammer Group but didn't find any similar issues.
    This seems to be a standard issue. I suggest you submit it to the following website, or submit a SR directly to Microsoft.
    Hopefully other experts can give you better advice.

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