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stock value in purchase prices only

Posted on by 115
We need to have a report, or somehow to gether information how much stock of each product we have in purchased value only. 
We have a lot of transfer orders and item charges in our company. If you use inventory valuation report it will show the value of each item including those item charges. 
For example we purchased an item 1 in location A for 1$. After that we transfered it to location B and it costed 1$. If you check the value of the item A in location B it will be 2$, but I need the information that the value without charges is 1$. 
Is it somehow possible to do?
Thanks in advance
  • Suggested answer
    Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 6,544 Super User on at
    stock value in purchase prices only
    Why would you use the item ledger entries and only filter to open items?
  • Suggested answer
    Jun Wang Profile Picture
    Jun Wang 5,453 Super User on at
    stock value in purchase prices only
    you could filter via value entries per below example to refine your criteria,
    in the example, I excluded item charges.
    but you may also need item ledger entry, you may need to filter only to Open items
    there might be other filters you need. this is only an example.
    Jun Wang
  • Suggested answer
    Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 6,544 Super User on at
    stock value in purchase prices only
    Why do you use item charges if you don't want the item charge cost to be added to the item value? Perhaps you can simply use GL Accounts rather than item charges?
    There's no out of the box reports that will display the inventory value without item charges as the point of item charges is that their cost gets added to an item's cost, but you can use the following:
    Posted Purchase Invoice Lines Page- this will give 
    Value Entries Page - filter for purchase invoices and exclude the item charge entries
    Purchasing Account in the GL - if your purchasing and direct costs applied accounts are two separate accounts rather than 1, you can use the purchasing account to get a list of purchases

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