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Duplicate Detection Issues with Mobile vs. Desktop records

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Alrighty peeps, need some help here. We are having an issue with duplicate detection rules on desktop vs. mobile. When a record is created on the desktop, the dupe detection rules are only catching other desktop created rules. When a record is created on the Mobile App, the dupe detection rules are only catching other Mobile App created records. I have exhausted probably every link known to man trying to find an answer but I am not sure what is happening. Per our ALM, we have 4 environments, this is only happening in one, which is for client testing. Our development and testing environments are not facing this issue. Anyone have any ideas??
  • Suggested answer
    Daivat Profile Picture
    Daivat 501 on at
    Duplicate Detection Issues with Mobile vs. Desktop records
    Hello DS-11071433-0,
    That sounds frustrating!  Here are some ideas as to why duplicate detection might be working differently between desktop and mobile in your Dynamics 365 client testing environment:

    1. Environment Specific Configuration:
    Double-check the duplicate detection rules themselves across all environments (desktop and mobile). Ensure the rules are identical and activated in both.
    Look for any accidental deactivation or configuration changes specific to the client testing environment.
    2. Data Filtering or Scopes:
    Some duplicate detection rules allow specifying data scopes (e.g., specific fields or entity types).
    Verify if the rules in the client testing environment have filters or scopes applied that unintentionally restrict them to mobile or desktop-created records.
    3. Caching or Synchronization Issues:
    In rare cases, caching or synchronization issues might cause outdated data to be used for duplicate detection on mobile devices.
    Try clearing the Dynamics 365 mobile app cache and data on your test devices and see if it resolves the issue.
    4. Customization or Third-Party Apps:
    If you have any custom code or third-party apps interacting with duplicate detection rules, investigate if they might be introducing environment-specific behaviour.
    Try temporarily disabling custom code or third-party apps to see if the issue persists.
    Troubleshooting Steps:
    Compare Duplicate Detection Rules: Meticulously compare the duplicate detection rules between your client testing environment and a working environment (development or testing).
    Test on Different Devices: Try creating records with duplicate data on both mobile and desktop in the client testing environment to see if the behaviour is consistent across various devices.
    Engage Microsoft Support: If none of the above solutions work, consider contacting Microsoft support for Dynamics 365. They might have access to additional resources or insights specific to your environment.
    By systematically checking these possibilities, you should be able to pinpoint the cause of the different duplicate detection behaviours between desktop and mobile in your client testing environment.
    If my answer was helpful, please click Like, and if it solved your problem, please mark it as verified to help other community members find more.
    If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me.
    Best Regards,
    Daivat Vartak

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