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How to enter Purchase Order for inventory already input using an Item Journal Entry?

Posted on by 143
We entered some inventory/item manually using an item journal at the time because we were not sure which vendor to use but needed to sell ahead of time. 

The quantity has already been sold partially. We entered these items manually with location code, bin code, unit cost, lot#, etc. then sold as such.
Is there a way to link this manual receipt to a vendor now that we decided and to pay that vendor?

Also, is there a way to create a purchase order after the fact and link to this manual inventory entry and pay the purchase order/invoice without affecting the unit cost? (Would it double the entry?)
  • RH Profile Picture
    RH 143 on at
    How to enter Purchase Order for inventory already input using an Item Journal Entry?
    I ran this in my TRIAL company and used a Purchase Invoice with line entry: GL : Inventory since direct costs applied goes into there for regular POs as well.

    I ran a PO side by side to see if the GL entries match with this Item Journal +Purchase Invoice method.
    I sold both items and paid vendor, etc.
    What do you guys think?
  • Suggested answer
    Jun Wang Profile Picture
    Jun Wang 7,045 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    How to enter Purchase Order for inventory already input using an Item Journal Entry?
    it seems you want to redo this processes. If so, you could try the below.
    create a sales credit memo to reverse the sales invoice and bring back the sold inventory back.
    then negative adjust the inventory by correctively applying to the entry no.
    then you could redo the processes using PO and SO.
    But the above steps are not mandatory. It is ok to positive adjust in items and sold those thought not recommended if you don't have a good reason for it.
  • Suggested answer
    Yi Yong Profile Picture
    Yi Yong 664 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    How to enter Purchase Order for inventory already input using an Item Journal Entry?
    Hello RH,
    Unless you are very familiar with the costing and application worksheet, it is not recommended to re-link the item entry.
    BC can't link purchase orders to inventory entry.
    You need to purchase the items using PO again and use the Application Worksheet to link the PO entry to the sales entry.
    Then you need to do a negative item journal entry to offset with the original item journal entry you did at that time.
    The PO GRN and negative item journal entry must be on the same date as the original item journal entry so the costing calculation will not be affected.
    I would go for a simple route and create a purchase invoice instead and you can use the Posting Description field or insert comment lines to mention the item journal entry #.
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 69,162 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    How to enter Purchase Order for inventory already input using an Item Journal Entry?
    Hi, Try creating an Invoice directly in Purchase Journals.
    Although this cannot be associated with an item, it is possible to create vendor ledger entries and other entries, and to make payments to vendors.
    The following post has an example of Sales Journals, I hope it can give you some tips.
    Hope this helps.
  • Suggested answer
    Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 22,030 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    How to enter Purchase Order for inventory already input using an Item Journal Entry?
    When you used the item journal did you select the Entry Type as purchase or positive adjustment? And did you enter a unit cost?
  • gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 9,201 Most Valuable Professional on at
    How to enter Purchase Order for inventory already input using an Item Journal Entry?
    You could try the following and see if it fits your requirement. Post the purchase, use the Application Worksheet to relate the sale to this new purchase, and then apply a negative adjustment to the initial positive adjustment.

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