We want to put some restrictions on what employees can change about their email contact information in employee self service.
We don't want people to add or edit entries of Purpose Business and this is working as expecting after using Human resources parameters, employee self service options (MS doc Restrict editing of personal information - Human Resources | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn) to not allow purpose business for add/edit.
However, I can't seem to find a way to prevent deletion of business emails by employees, but still allow deletion of emails or other contact types set to a different purpose (such Home). Would it be possible using field level security?
I wouldn't expect many employees are deleting their business contact. However we are finding they attempt to re-add a company email and as they cannot pick business they pick Home, which then causes issues with integrations.
Also I am wandering if it is possible to disallow employees from amending the primary designation of emails, as we don't want them picking a home email.
Many thanks