I have used Renci.SshNet.SftpClient for one of the customizations. There is no build errors and the modification works as well. But when runs the build pipeline it throws the below error.
In addition to what Martin wrote, you basically have to add the all third party binary DLL files to source control (bin folder) so that they are part of the deployment package. When the solution is compiled, the compiler requires those files.
Why are you using a third party tool? Have you tried to upload files using just vanilla .NET?
Suggested answer
Martin Dráb230,371Most Valuable Professional
on at
I'm assuming that Renci.SshNet isn't included in the standard F&O installation, right?
Then you must install the assembly before you can build code that depends on it. If you can compile it on a dev box, it suggests that you've put the assembly there, but you don't have it done for your pipeline.
The usual approach is having the assembly in source control, therefore it's obtained together with your source code. Another approach way is using a NuGet package (or something similar). And the last one, if you have your own build server, is pre-installing the assembly there (but I wouldn't do that; it doesn't work well with several versions).
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