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Job queue Earliest Start Date/Time constantly updating

Posted on by 5
One of the clients has a problem with a job that is set to run once a day at 11:00 PM. Instead of executing at the set time, the job tab just updates the time in the Earliest Start Date/Time field every 2 seconds (change log set). Has anyone had experience with a similar problem?
I tried to solve the problem by creating a job with the same settings, but the same case is repeated.
Thank you in advance for your help.
  • Suggested answer
    Job queue Earliest Start Date/Time constatntly updating


    It sounds like you're encountering an issue with the job queue in Business Central where the job is not executing at the scheduled time but instead is continuously updating the Earliest Start Date/Time field. This problem can be caused by several factors. 

    Troubleshooting the Job Queue Issue in Business Central

    1. Check Job Queue Entries

    1. Navigate to Job Queue Entries:

      • Go to Business Central.
      • Use the search bar to find Job Queue Entries.
    2. Review the Job Queue Entry:

      • Select the job queue entry that is experiencing the issue.
      • Check the Status, Earliest Start Date/Time, and other relevant fields.

    2. Verify Job Queue Setup

    1. Job Queue Card:

      • Ensure that the Job Queue Card is set up correctly.
      • Verify that the Recurring Job field is set appropriately if it’s a recurring job.
      • Check the Earliest Start Date/Time and Expiration Date/Time fields.
    2. Job Queue Log Entries:

      • Review the Job Queue Log Entries to identify any errors or warnings that might provide clues about the issue.

    3. Examine Job Codeunit or Report

    1. Review Codeunit/Report:

      • Ensure the codeunit or report being executed by the job does not contain errors or infinite loops.
      • Verify that the logic within the codeunit/report completes execution properly.
    2. Test Manually:

      • Manually run the codeunit or report outside the job queue to ensure it executes without errors.

    4. Review Server and Database Settings

    1. Server Instance Configuration:

      • Check the Business Central server instance configuration.
      • Ensure that the server instance is running without interruptions.
    2. Database Maintenance:

      • Perform database maintenance tasks like rebuilding indexes and updating statistics to ensure optimal performance.

    5. Investigate Environmental Factors

    1. Time Zone Settings:

      • Verify that the server time zone settings are correctly configured and match the expected schedule for job execution.
    2. Server Performance:

      • Check server performance metrics to ensure there are no resource bottlenecks (CPU, memory, etc.) that could affect job execution.

    6. Potential Issue with Job Queue Handler

    1. Job Queue Handler Codeunit:

      • There may be an issue with the standard or customized job queue handler codeunit. This codeunit processes job queue entries and might be causing the problem.
    2. Customizations:

      • If customizations have been made to the job queue handling, review the custom code to ensure it does not interfere with the job scheduling and execution.

    7. Clearing and Resetting Job Queue Entries

    1. Clear Job Queue Entries:

      • Temporarily clear existing job queue entries to see if the problem persists.
      • Create a new job queue entry with the same settings and observe if it executes correctly.
    2. Reset Job Queue:

      • Sometimes, stopping and restarting the job queue from the Job Queue Card can help reset any stuck processes.

    Step-by-Step Resolution Attempt

    1. Stop the Job Queue:

      • Navigate to Job Queue Card and stop the job queue.
    2. Clear Logs and Entries:

      • Clear all logs and job queue entries related to the problematic job.
    3. Create a New Job Queue Entry:

      • Create a new job queue entry with the same settings as the problematic one.
    4. Start the Job Queue:

      • Restart the job queue and monitor the new entry to see if it executes at the correct time.
  • Job queue Earliest Start Date/Time constatntly updating
    Hello Sasa,
    This is the picture of the job queue that has been running on our environment since January and it is defined almost like yours.
    The difference is on the Recurrence tab, but since you have defined the Next Run Date Formula, I think that you do not need to enable Run on Mon, Run on Tue etc. options as it is in my case.
    Log entries
    You can try to modify the recurrence setup and see what will happen.
    Please, update us with the outcome.
  • Suggested answer
    Sasa Milanovic Profile Picture
    Sasa Milanovic 5 on at
    Job queue Earliest Start Date/Time constatntly updating
    Hello Mustafa,
    I'm sending the screen of the cuent job setup
    Unfortunately all the settings you listed are covered. The job itself was running without problems and suddenly it started having a problem updating the Earliest Start Date/Time field.
    My plan for tonight is to change the settings related to the job execution time using the "run on" fields and change the "ending time" to a time after the time entered in the "starting time" field.

    If you have any other suggestions, thanks in advance.
  • Job queue Earliest Start Date/Time constatntly updating
    Hello Sasa,
    firstly you need to check if you have any errors in the Job Queue Log Entries page related to that specific job queue.
    Also, check if any other job queue has the same match as this one for the defined Earliest Start Date/Time, or on the Starting Time, Ending Time on the Recurrence tab.
    If you have defined values ​​on the Max No. of Attempts to Run filed and the Rerun Delay (sec.) field (on the General tab within the Show more option) that is something that can cause this issue too.
    You can share prtsc of the Job queue entry card so we can have a better settings overview.
    I am available for any additional information,

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