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Manufacturing Security Roles and Tasks

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We are getting ready to implement Advance Manufacturing and I've been tasked to create the security roles and tasks for this module. Can anyone share some common manufacturing security roles. GP only has MFG ADMIN and MFG INQUIRY.

  • CU26071908-0 Profile Picture
    CU26071908-0 on at
    Manufacturing Security Roles and Tasks
    When implementing Advanced Manufacturing, it's crucial to define clear and comprehensive security roles and tasks to ensure smooth operations and maintain system integrity. In addition to the basic roles provided by GP, such as MFG ADMIN and MFG INQUIRY, you might consider expanding your roles to include more specialized functions. Common manufacturing security roles could include: MFG Supervisor, responsible for overseeing production processes and approving workflows; MFG Operator, tasked with operating machinery and recording production data; MFG Quality Control, focused on monitoring and ensuring product quality; MFG Maintenance, handling the upkeep and repair of equipment; and MFG Planner, who coordinates production schedules and material requirements. Each role should have specific angel number mean access rights tailored to their responsibilities to maintain security and efficiency within the manufacturing environment.

  • Mahmoud Saadi Profile Picture
    Mahmoud Saadi 32,736 on at
    RE: Manufacturing Security Roles and Tasks

    You are most welcome Angel

    Please feel free to share any further inquiries

  • RE: Manufacturing Security Roles and Tasks

    Thanks Mahmoud. The provided script yielded not results. So I'm going to run the Clear Data routine as recommended by Leslie Vail in this post:

    Now I have a good starting point.

    Thanks again.

  • Verified answer
    Mahmoud Saadi Profile Picture
    Mahmoud Saadi 32,736 on at
    RE: Manufacturing Security Roles and Tasks

    Hello Angel

    It is a good idea to start with clean and customized roles which are tailored to your business needs. Initially, you could consider David Musgrave legacy script,


            R.PRODNAME ,
            R.TYPESTR ,
            R.DSPLNAME ,
            R.RESTECHNAME ,
            R.DICTID ,
            R.SECRESTYPE ,
    FROM    DYNAMICS.dbo.SY09400 R
                                                AND O.SECRESTYPE = R.SECRESTYPE
                                                AND O.SECURITYID = R.SECURITYID
    		WHERE PRODNAME = 'Manufacturing'


    The script above will retrieve more than a thousand record including several out of the box security tasks with detailed explanation for each one of them specifically for the manufacturing module. As well as the resources which are not used in any out of the box security task. Here are the out of the box security tasks to consider:

    ADMIN_MFG_006*            Manufacturing Company Tables                       
    ADMIN_MFG_007*            Manufacturing System Tables                       
    ADMIN_MFG_ROUTINES*      Manufacturing Routines                             
    ADMIN_MFG_SYS*            Set Up Manufacturing System                       
    ADMIN_MFG_USER*          Set Up Manufacturing User                         
    ADMIN_MFG_UTILS*          Manufacturing Utilities                           
    CARD_MFG_BOM*            Enter/Edit Manufacturing BOM Information           
    CARD_MFG_DRAW*            Enter/Edit Manufacturing Drawing Information       
    CARD_MFG_IV*              Enter/Edit Manufacturing Inventory Information     
    CARD_MFG_JC*              Enter/Edit Manufacturing Job Costing Information   
    CARD_MFG_MPS*            Enter/Edit Master Production Scheduling Information
    CARD_MFG_MRP*            Enter/Edit MRP Information                         
    CARD_MFG_QA*              Enter/Edit Manufacturing QA Information           
    CARD_MFG_ROUTING*        Enter/Edit Manufacturing Routings Information     
    CARD_MFG_SC*              Enter/Edit Manufacturing SC Information           
    CARD_MFG_SOP*            Enter/Edit Manufacturing SOP Information           
    CARD_MFG_WC*              Enter/Edit Manufacturing Work Centers Information 
    INQ_MFG_BOM*              View Manufacturing BOM Information                 
    INQ_MFG_CRP*              View Manufacturing CRP Information                 
    INQ_MFG_DRAW*            View Manufacturing Drawing Information             
    INQ_MFG_ECM*              View Manufacturing ECM Information                 
    INQ_MFG_JC*              View Manufacturing Job Costing Information         
    INQ_MFG_MO*              View Manufacturing MO Information                 
    INQ_MFG_MRP*              View Manufacturing MRP Information                 
    INQ_MFG_ROUTING*          View Manufacturing Routings Information           
    INQ_MFG_WIP*              View Manufacturing Work In Process Information     
    MFGDEFAULTUSER*          Manufacturing general user                         
    RPT_MFG_BOM*              MFG BOM Reports                                   
    RPT_MFG_CRP*              MFG CRP Reports                                   
    RPT_MFG_DC*              MFG Data Collection Reports                       
    RPT_MFG_DRAW*            MFG Draw Reports                                   
    RPT_MFG_ECM*              MFG ECM Reports                                   
    RPT_MFG_IV*              MFG Inventory Reports                             
    RPT_MFG_JC*              MFG Job Costing Reports                           
    RPT_MFG_MACH*            MFG Machine Reports                               
    RPT_MFG_MO*              MFG Manufacture Order Reports                     
    RPT_MFG_MPS*              MFG MPS Reports                                   
    RPT_MFG_MRP*              MFG MRP Reports                                   
    RPT_MFG_OC*              MFG Option Category Maintenance Reports           
    RPT_MFG_QA*              MFG QA Reports                                     
    RPT_MFG_RTG1*            MFG Planning Routings Reports                     
    RPT_MFG_RTG2*            MFG Working Routings Reports                       
    RPT_MFG_SF*              MFG Sales Forecasting Reports                     
    RPT_MFG_WC*              MFG Work Centers Reports                           
    TRX_MFG_ECM*              Enter/Edit Manufacturing ECM Transactions         
    TRX_MFG_JC*              Enter/Edit Manufacturing Job Costing Transactions 
    TRX_MFG_MO*              Manufacturing MO Transactions                     
    TRX_MFG_MRP*              Enter/Edit MRP Transactions                       
    TRX_MFG_QA*              Enter/Edit Manufacturing QA Transactions           
    TRX_MFG_ROUTING*          Enter/Edit Manufacturing Routings Transactions     
    TRX_MFG_SC*              Enter/Edit Manufacturing SC Transactions           
    TRX_MFG_SF*              Enter/Edit Manufacturing SF Transactions           
    TRX_MFG_SOP*              Enter Manufacturing SOP Transactions               
    TRX_MFG_WIP*              Enter/Edit Manufacturing WIP Transactions         

    The above can be a good starting point for creating a customized security roles.

    Your feedback is highly appreciated,

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