In Dynamics 365, there are a few ways to achieve the goal of hiding cases or complaints from agents when the case or complaint is directly against them, without the need for complex plugins:
You can leverage Security Roles to control which users or teams can access certain cases based on case ownership or other attributes. By configuring the security roles properly, you can restrict access to cases that involve specific agents. Additionally, Field-Level Security can be applied to sensitive fields, ensuring that certain users cannot see or modify specific fields related to a complaint.
You can create Business Rules or Workflows in Dynamics 365 to automatically restrict visibility based on certain criteria (e.g., if an agent’s name appears in the “Assigned to” or “Complaint against” fields). This would allow cases to be visible only to authorized individuals like managers or HR representatives.
You could set up a private queue for cases or complaints against agents, which only specific users or roles can access. This ensures that agents involved in the case won’t see it in the standard case lists or queues. The cases can be automatically routed to this private queue based on certain triggers.
To ensure cases don't appear in regular views, create custom views or dashboards for agents that automatically exclude cases where their name is mentioned as a party in the case. This approach avoids the complexity of plugins while ensuring agents only see the cases they're supposed to handle.
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